Other Articles

ATU Endorses President Joe Biden for Second Term as President of the United States

After Strike, Local 1212- Chattanooga, TN, School Bus Workers in Dalton, GA, Win Strong Contract

ATU Partners with CTW to Administer Nearly $10 Million in California Workforce Development Grants

Local 265-San Jose, CA, Slams VTA’s So Called “Independent” Investigation into Tragic May 2021 Mass Shooting as Sham, Insufficient, and Unacceptable

ATU Helps Strengthen Central Labor Councils Through Innovative AFL-CIO Commission

ATU Celebrates Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month

In-Person Training is Back at the ATU

From Calgary to Edmonton, International President Costa Touches Down in Canada

Local 113-Toronto, ON, Celebrates Huge Legal Victory To Win Back Right to Strike

ATU Celebrates Women’s History Month

California Conference Board Meets in San Diego, CA

ATU Canada Attends 30th Convention of the Canadian Labour Congress in Montreal, QC

Local 788-St. Louis, MO, Mentors Step Up for the Next Generation

ATU Fights Back Against Florida Senate Bill 256 Created to Destroy Public Sector Unions

ATU Senior Organizer David Heller Appointed ATU Deputy Director of the Campaigns Department

ATU mourns the passing of Ken Foster, First Director of the ATU Canadian Council

International President Costa Presents Donation to Family of Our Fallen Local 1572-Mississauga, ON, Brother Killed in Tragic Workplace Accident

ATU Establishes Pacific Western Transportation Joint Industry Council