VTA Assistant General Manager Greg Richardson calls VTA workers “uneducated”
San Jose, CA – In a shameful VTA press briefing today on negotiations with ATU Local 265-San Jose, CA, to end the strike, VTA Board Chair Sergio Lopez and VTA GM Carolyn Gonot displayed a lack of leadership with an insulting contract offer disrespecting their frontline workers and the riders of the VTA.
Earlier this week, during contract talks, in a shock to ATU Local 265 leaders, VTA Assistant General Manager Greg Richardson called VTA workers “uneducated.” The VTA also posted a dangerous video on social media accusing VTA workers of lying about contract talks. The video has since been removed.
“The VTA is trying to bully their employees with this latest contract offer that has rolled back proposals on overtime and attendance. It’s reprehensible,” said Local 265 President/Business Agent Raj Singh. “This comes on the heels of Assistant GM Richardson calling our members uneducated earlier this week. The nerve of Richardson. He and the VTA management need to get off their high horse. The VTA is the one holding the riders in this community hostage. They can get a deal done to end this strike.”
In the latest contract offer, the VTA has resorted to regressive bargaining by putting proposals on overtime calculations and attendance policy that had already been taken off the table months ago back in their offer.
Furthermore, the VTA attempted to engage Governor Newsom to force VTA workers back to work. In response, the Governor told both parties to get back to the negotiating table and reach a fair and just contract that treats these workers with respect and dignity.
“Once again, the VTA has shown a blatant disregard for the hardworking men and women who keep San Jose moving,” said ATU International President John Costa. “Our members deserve a fair contract that reflects their dedication and sacrifice. Instead, they’ve been met with disrespect and insults, with the VTA calling them uneducated and publishing and then deleting dangerous social media posts targeting their own employees. All of this happened after our members survived a mass shooting and risked their lives every day during the pandemic, serving the public. Shameful. It’s time for VTA to stop playing games and start treating transit workers with the respect they deserve.”