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ATU Partners with AFL-CIO for Labor Innovation and Technology (LIT) Summit in Las Vegas

In January, the ATU partnered with the AFL-CIO and other unions for the Labor Innovation and Technology (LIT) Summit, where worker power in the age of tech was at center stage.

International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo attended the LIT Summit, which was held the same week as the Consumer Electronic Show (CES), the most powerful tech event in the world, bringing leaders from across labor to discuss what innovation means for the future of workers.


We Won’t Be Replaced

Highlights of the event were a curated tour of CES to view new technology, including autonomous vehicles, as well as various panels talking about worker rights and winning in the age of tech, artificial intelligence and democracy, labor partnerships, tech legislation, contract language, workers, and civil rights. ATU Director of Strategic Research Andrew Gena spoke on a panel about building tech knowledge through research and development and academic partnerships.

Also featured at the Summit was a video of our members talking about AI. “We are the compassionate voices that offer a helping hand to those in need,” said Joyce Cole, a driver with Local 1764-Washington, DC. “We are the sympathetic souls who listen to the stories of commuters. We’re the heroes who navigate the challenges that we face every day on the job. We can’t, and we won’t be replaced.”

Richardo Coleman, a light rail train operator from Local 1300-Baltimore, MD, said, “The future of public transit is at the intersection of technology and our humanity. We cannot allow AI to be an excuse to exploit workers. That’s why you need us at the table. Together we can ensure AI benefits workers and the communities we serve.”

We are at a critical point in our history. 70% of workers are afraid AI will replace them. The labor movement is the balancing force to ensure this technology works for working people. AI and technology present both opportunities and challenges for our Union, our members, and our industry. One thing is clear, the ATU will not be left behind.


Our Voices Matter

“We are at a technological crossroads with the rights and economic security of workers at risk,” said International President John Costa about the significance of the LIT Summit for our Union and members. “At the Amalgamated Transit Union, the LIT summit is important because technology and AI impact our members’ lives. Transit workers keep our towns and cities moving. In a world where technology and automation seem to advance at an unprecedented pace, we remain the irreplaceable human touch. We’re the eyes and ears of our communities. Together we can ensure AI benefits workers and the people we serve. Our voices matter.”