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Local 689 Fairfax Connector Workers Go on Strike and Win

More than 650 bus operators and maintenance workers of Fairfax Connector walked off the job on February 22, 2024, after months of intense negotiations over unfair labor practices. After a unified and strong 15-day strike, Local 689 Fairfax Connector workers ratified a strong contract with contractor Transdev that addresses the Union’s demands for fair pay and strong benefits.

“Our members stood shoulder to shoulder throughout this ordeal. Transdev tried to divide us,” said Local 689 President/Business Agent Ray Jackson. “This strike showed that our members are willing to lay it all on the line for dignity and justice. I want to thank them for their fortitude and for all our allies for coming out and standing in solidarity with us. This is proof that when working people fight, we win. Anyone who thinks otherwise should take notice.”


Your Fight is Our Fight

ATU International President John Costa was on the picket lines with the more than 650 strikers throughout the 15-day strike. “I came out here to visit all three lines. I want to thank you for being out here representing our members across the U.S. and Canada. I’m proud of you and your fight for the fair wages and benefits that you deserve. Your fight is our fight,” said Costa.

Local 689 ultimately won transformative improvements to the contract, which guarantees retirement security for members, includes competitive wages for bus operators and mechanics, and enhances the 40-hour guarantee, among other key Union priorities.

“I am proud of our Fairfax Connector members who were willing to go to the mat to fight for a contract with living wages and strong benefits. On the picket lines, I saw firsthand their strength, unity, and solidarity,” said Costa. “The result was a strong contract that recognizes the commitment and dedication of these frontline heroes to provide safe and reliable transportation for our riders who rely on Fairfax Connector. Our members now have a pathway to the middle class for the essential public service they provide. It was an honor to hold the line with you. We are ‘Stronger Together!”