Today, more than 50 Local leaders from across the ATU took part in the ATU Women’s Equity Training as part of our Union’s innovative training programs.
International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo kicked off the training telling attendees, “This is an important training. Our Union is committed to women’s equity and inclusion, which means equitable treatment of all our members in the workplace, in contract negotiations, in our own campaigns, and in the halls of government. It also means standing together and protecting women’s right to choose.”

Conducted by Bianca Cunningham, Campaign Director at Bargaining For The Common Good and the Action Center on Race and the Economy, ATU Organizer Sarah Maceda-Maciel, and ATU Training and Education Administrator Russell Bateman, the training included discussions on the experiences of attendees from their careers in transit and issues that disproportionately affect women. Attendees also learned how to use the provided tools and resources to build strategies and tactics to win women’s equity in the workplace.