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International President John Costa visits the Local 113-Toronto, ON membership meeting

Greetings from Toronto, ON, where International President John Costa headed to Local 113’s membership meeting after touching down in Canada today. Costa addressed the membership, letting them know the International was there to support them and congratulate them on their recent 125th Anniversary and massive contract win with the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). 
“Uniting our members across borders strengthens our collective voice and ensures that every member, whether in the U.S. or Canada, stands together for fair wages, safe working conditions and most importantly, respect,” said Costa. “It’s an honor to be here with you, I just got off the strike lines in Jackson, MS, and Vancouver, BC, and our members are holding the line in both our countries. When we fight, we win, so thank you for your unwavering solidarity and commitment to the ATU. Who moves this country? We do!”

Thank you Local 113, including President/Business Agent Marvin Alfred who chaired the meeting and the Executive Board for hosting us. Joining Costa in Toronto was International Vice President Manny Sforza who helps represent the Local.