This weekend in Louisville, KY, more than 50 Shop Stewards from Locals across the region took part in ATU’s revamped innovative Shop Steward training to prepare them for the job to represent our members on the job.
International President John Costa kicked off the training along with International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo, International Secretary-Treasurer Ken Kirk, and International Vice Presidents Marcellus Barnes and Natalie Cruz.

“Why are we here today? Because knowledge is power. I have learned that throughout my career in the ATU. As Shop Stewards, you are on the frontlines, and it can be frustrating. I was in your shoes when I served in various positions at my Local 819 in Newark, NJ,” ATU International President John Costa told attendees. “It is important for you to have the tools you need to do your job. As a former maintenance worker, I know it’s important to have the right tools, but if you don’t know how to use them, then they are useless. This training will not only provide you with important tools but teach you to use them to fight for the rights of our members in the workplace.”
Conducted by ATU International staff, the interactive training focused on the important role of Shop Stewards within their Local, along with discussions on leadership, organization, and communication. The attendees learned skills, strategies, and the rights of a Shop Steward to strengthen our Locals, protect our members, and prepare for the battles ahead. Featuring hands-on exercises, attendees learned their legal rights, bargaining tactics, grievance procedures and handling, and other duties of the job.

With a mix of experienced and new Shop Stewards from Locals 627-Cincinnati, OH, 639-Lexington, KY, 1070-Indianapolis, IN, 1385-Dayton, OH, 1447-Louisville, KY, and 1741-Layafette, IN, the training offered a unique opportunity to learn from the experience and expertise of their fellow Shops Stewards.
Thanks to all our members who attended this inspiring training to better serve our members and Locals.