Day Two of Shop Steward training in Mystic, CT, was a valuable experience for the Shop Stewards and officers. The continued discussion focused on the important role of Shop Stewards within the Union, along with discussions on leadership, organization, and communication.
The day focused on essential skills, strategies, and the rights of a Union Steward, that will strengthen our Locals, protect our members and prepare for the battles ahead. The inclusion of information on legal rights, access to certain information, and mandatory subjects of bargaining added to a well-rounded approach to their training.
It was an inspiring and productive day of learning for our ATU Shop Stewards. The day concluded with an informative question and answer session with International President John Costa which was an insightful conclusion to the training.

“As a shop steward, you play an important role for your Local and our members. You must organize, strategize, and think outside the box,” ATU International President Costa told the attendees. “Thank you to the more than 100 shop stewards for attending this innovative training so we can arm you with the skills needed to fight for the rights of our members in the workplace. You make me proud to be a member of this great International Union.”
Also in attendance were International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo, International Secretary-Treasurer Ken Kirk, and international Vice President Mark Henry.