Day one of the ATU Canada Conference in Hamilton, ON, was a resounding success. The conference began with a beautiful land acknowledgment for the Indigenous Erie, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and Mississaugas people whose land the City of Hamilton resides on. International President Costa had the honor of participating in the smudging ceremony to bless the conference and usher in good, positive energy for the week ahead.
After a warm welcome from host city Local 107-Hamilton, ON, President/Business Agent Eric Tuck, the delegation heard from Marit Stiles, the leader of the Ontario NDP, who pledged her support for our members and public transit.
ATU Canada President John Di Nino then introduced President Costa. “From Local 1767-Sault Ste. Marie, ON, rallying for a fair contract, Local 569-Edmonton, AB, Local 1320-Peterborough, ON, and Local 616-Windsor, ON, authorizing strikes, Local 1572-Mississauga, ON, engaging in an aggressive campaign to win their contract, Local 107-Hamilton, ON, going on a successful strike, and the Local 113-Toronto, ON, strike threat and “United to Win Campaign” to secure our members a strong contract, Canada is fighting back and winning,” said Costa. “A special shout out to Local 1724-Vancouver, our HandyDART members on strike right now holding the line. The battles you wage against incredible adversity have inspired us all. The International is right beside you. Your fight is our fight."

The delegation also heard from ATU International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo, International Secretary-Treasurer Ken Kirk, as well as Canadian Labour Congress Secretary-Treasurer Lily Chang, Ontario Federation of Labour President Laura Walton, President of Hamilton & District Labour Council Anthony Marco, President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union JP Hornick, TTC Riders Group member Shelagh Pizey-Allen, UPFH Law’s Ian Fellows, Independent MPP Sarah Jama, and International Vice Presidents Manny Sforza and Ken Wilson.
Also joining the conference was International Vice President John Callahan via zoom from Local 1724-Vancouver, ON, along with President/Business Agent Joe McCann to update everyone about the ongoing strike of HandyDart members. In the ultimate act of solidarity, delegates and International leadership reached deep into their pockets to donate critical funding for Local 1724’s strike fund.
In the spirit of ATU Canada’s conference theme, “Together We Rise,” day one recognized the extraordinary contributions and unwavering dedication of our members across this great nation. Day two starts tomorrow.