Today, the ATU joined the Poor People's Campaign, the Low-wage Workers' Assembly, and the Moral March on Washington and to the Polls by marching on the nation's Capital. International Secretary-Treasurer Ken Kirk and members from our Local 689-Washington, DC, 1300-Baltimore, MD, and 1447-Louisville, KY, joined the thousands of union members, religious groups, and activists to answer the call for solidarity by joining the march. Leading the charge was Reverend Dr. William Barber, who called on the more than 15 million poor and low-wage voters to go to the polls for the 2024 U.S. elections to elect politicians who will fight for living wages, voting rights, and other essential policies that lift people up from the bottom.

Local 689 President/Business Agent Ray Jackson Local 689 Executive Board Members and Fairfax Connector Shop Steward Rachid Mhamdi had the honor of addressing the Assembly to talk about the important role of our members in transporting their communities and our successful Fairfax Connector strike. Thanks to all our members who attended this inspirational and moving event.