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ATU International Latino Caucus kicked off day two of their Convention in San Jose, CA

The ATU International Latino Caucus kicked off day two of their Convention in San Jose, CA, with a busy agenda, vibrant discussions, and a sense of solidarity you could feel throughout the room.
The Caucus kicked off with an amazing dance performance by El Grito de la Cultura, led by Elena Robles. Dancers as young as seven displayed their passion for their beautiful culture, bringing everyone to their feet.
Next were crucial presentations on the upcoming 2024 elections in the U.S. These elections will shape the future of our democracy and significantly impact the Latino community. As the largest minority in the U.S., Latinos' role in mobilizing the vote and securing victory in November is pivotal.
Elections were also held for Recording Secretary of the Latino Caucus. Congratulations to Local 1555-Oakland, CA, Vanessa Peréz, who was elected to the position and sworn in by International President Costa.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to President Ismael Rivera for his years of dedicated service to the Caucus and our Union. His leadership and mentorship, driven by his passion for fighting for La Raza, have been instrumental in shaping the International Latino Caucus. His ten years of unwavering commitment have significantly advanced workers’ rights, promoted an inclusive and equitable ATU, and paved the way for future leaders in the ATU Latino Caucus and beyond. We’re proud of you, Ish.
Costa was joined at the Caucus by our first Latina Executive Officer, International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo, International Secretary-Treasurer Ken Kirk, and International Vice Presidents Jim Lindsay, Manny Sforza, Natalie Cruz, Art Aguilar, Mark Henry, and Michael Cornelius.
The ATU International Latino Caucus symbolizes unity, culture, and the advancement of our shared purpose. We are proud of everyone who joined us this week to amplify Latino voices in our Union. Adiós, nos vemos pronto!