The ATU General Executive Board (GEB) headed to San Diego, CA, this week to hold their Spring Meeting. International President John Costa chaired the meeting, thanking the members of the GEB for their leadership and their commitment to our Union. He also discussed how our Union and members have persevered with major contract wins, organizing campaigns, legislative victories, protections for our members, and other issues and challenges.

The GEB reviewed the ATU’s successes and chartered a course for the future of our Union. From organizing to our apprenticeship and mentorship programs to contract fights, successful strikes, politics, microtransit, and new technology, the GEB members heard about the remarkable work being done on behalf of our members every day across North America.
It was a productive and inspiring week. Thank you to our Southern California Locals who also came out to meet with the GEB, including Locals 1277-Los Angeles, CA, 1309-San Diego, CA, 1704-San Bernadino, CA, and 1756-Arcadia, CA.