This week in San Diego, California, the ATU and California Transit Works met to discuss and strategize around workforce development and our groundbreaking work across California to bring opportunities to our members to advance themselves. International President John Costa was there to oversee the meeting and to offer his insight and expertise when it comes to transit apprenticeship and mentorship programs.
“We know that when our members are at the table along with management at transit agencies, we’re able to leverage their experience to make these programs a success,” said Costa. “Without us these programs wouldn’t work. I want to thank everyone at this table and those joining us online for everything you do to give our members the careers and lives they deserve. We have a lot of work to do but we’re stronger together.”

At the meeting ATU’s Apprenticeship and Workforce Development Coordinators and CTW staff with decades of experience in the transit industry gave their feedback and knowledge to enhance the grants that ATU has been awarded for being innovators in the workforce development space.
Joining Costa at the meeting was International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo, Executive Vice President Natalie Cruz, and Workforce Development Director Jamaine Gibson. The meeting was hosted by Local 1309-San Diego, CA. Thank you President/Business Duane Koslicki and Financial Secretary Jamaal Russell for the warm ATU welcome!