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IP Costa attends the ATU Florida State Legislative Conference in West Palm Beach, FL

Today in West Palm Beach, FL, the ATU Florida State Legislative Conference brought Locals from across the state to meet to discuss important political and legislative issues impacting our members and Locals.
International President John Costa addressed the Locals in attendance thanking them for their commitment to our members and Union and spoke about the challenges our Locals in Florida are facing as well as our Union as a whole. “I am proud of the work you have done to push back against the union busting SB256, but the fight is far from over,” said Costa. “That is why it’s important for our Union to be involved in politics. This coming year we have a critical election and face other challenges. Remember, elections have consequences. We must be prepared, mobilize our members, get our members to contribute to COPE, and get involved with your State Labor Councils and elected officials across the state.”
At the informative meeting, Locals were also briefed about the impact of the law SB256 and presented with a comprehensive packet and strategies to push back against this attack on our members' freedom of choice, association, and speech.
Attendees also heard from an esteemed group of speakers including Gregg Weiss, Commissioner of Palm Beach County, U.S. Representative Lois Frankel (Florida's 22nd District) and Bill Sauers, President of the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans.
Joining Costa and addressing the Conference Board along with staff were International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo and International Vice Presidents Curtis Howard and Natalie Cruz.
The Conference Board also held an election for the open position of Vice Chair. Local 1577-West Palm Beach, FL. President/Business Agent Joey Acevedo ran unopposed.
As the battle continues, our Union and our Florida Locals will not back down and continue the great work of fighting back against Florida’s union-busting SB 256.