This past Saturday, our Locals in the ATU Louisiana Legislative Conference Board met in New Orleans, to discuss important legislative issues impacting our Locals and members across the state. International Secretary-Treasurer Ken Kirk addressed the meeting to thank our Locals and leaders for their commitment to fighting for the rights of our members across the state. Among the critical issues discussed were how the Council can play a key role in passing pro-transit, pro-worker legislation in the state, getting our members involved in elections and politics, and the 1135-harrahanf the ATU-COPE program. International Vice Presidents Anthony Garland and Curtis Howard joined Kirk meeting.

Thanks to all the Locals that attended this important meeting including, Local 558-Shreveport, LA, Local 725-Birmingham, AL, Local 770-Mobile, AL, Local 981-Alexandria, LA, Local 116- Monroe, LA, Local 1535-Harahan, LA, Local 1546-Baton Rouge, LA, and Local 1560-New Orleans, LA.