ATU Locals from across the U.S. took part in our Union’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan Accountability (PTASP) training to assist our Locals in the U.S. with the annual review of Transit Agency Safety Plans.
“As you all know, we won these joint safety committee requirements for our U.S. members under the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. We need to hold our transit agencies accountable to create these critical safety committees,” said International Executive Vice President Yvette Trujillo who kicked off the training. “This training will help you in this important work. It is our 4th session and we have now trained over 200 Local leaders to ensure the health and safety of members and riders.”

Conducted by ATU Health and Safety Director Andrew Falotico, Training and Education Administrator Russell Bateman, and Associate General Counsel Laura Karr, the training covered PTASP and their requirements, updates on FTA rulemaking regarding safety plans and risk reduction programs, and checklists to help locals review updated safety plans.