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ATU Celebrates Women's History Month

Lillian Brents — Local 1447-Louisville, KY

Sister Lillian Brents joined our Local 1447-Louisville, KY, 16 yearsago as a Transit Authority of River City (TARC) bus operator. Growingup with a grandfather and father who were members of UFCW, sheknew a union meant strong protections for workers, better wages,and a way to fight the boss. Wanting to get more involved with herLocal, she became the Local’s Financial Secretary in 2017 andserved as a Shop Steward. Sister Brents decided to run for President/Business Agent in 2020 because she wanted to deliver for ourmembers, and improve public transit for her hometown ofLouisville. She was elected and under her leadership the Localhas won record wage increases for members, establishedmentorship and apprenticeship programs, boosted memberATU-COPE participation, and other successes. Sister Brents isalso a founding member of the ATU International Pride Caucusand involved with the Kentucky AFL-CIO. As a mother of five,her proudest achievements are that her son and daughter areproud union members and her three other daughters regularlyjoin her on the picket lines and at union rallies. We are proud tocall Sister Brents a fellow ATU member.

Jacky Boily — Local 1760-Ottawa, ON

After working in finance and owing a business, Local 1760-Ottawa, ON, Sister Jacky Boily was hiredby the City of Ottawa as an Administrative Clerk and joined Local 1760 shortly after in August 2007 after taking an Accounts Payable Administrator position. Throughout her career, she has held various jobs with the City serving as a Project Coordinator, an Ecopass Administrator, a Warranty Clerk, a Financial Verification Clerk, and a Finance Officer. In 2014 when the Local’s Financial Secretary resigned,the Local President/Business Agent recognized Sister Boily’s skills and appointed her to the position. She was then elected as Financial Secretary in 2015. Sister Boily is passionate about her role as Financial Secretary, always trying to improve the Local’s financial situation and encourages members to get involved. She serves on the Local’s Joint Job Evaluation Committee for Joint Job Plan. Sister Boily takes great pride in taking a major role in managing a complete renovation of the Local’s Union Hall. We thank Sister Boily for her commitment and dedication to her members.